A female aquarium educator sits on the pier as she leads some sort of demonstration for students that has plastic bottles floating in a bin of water.

The Learning Loop: Meet Christin Brown
Education Curator at Jennette’s Pier

Author: DNCR Education & Outreach Team and Christin Brown

Christin Brown is an absolute jewel for Jennette's Pier and NC Aquariums. Christin and her very small, yet powerful team, embrace the opportunity to welcome nearly 10,000 students each year. Man of these children have never seen, or experienced the ocean, and this team creates not only a fund and engaging educational experience, but crafts a lifelong memory for these children while fostering appreciation for our natural resources." - Hap Fatzinger, Director, NC Aquariums Division.

How long have you been with DNCR? 
13 years.

Can you explain your role and responsibilities at Jennette's Pier?
As the Education Curator, my duties include supervising and training staff, managing program registration, and overseeing the design and implementation of various educational initiatives. This includes teaching outreach programs, leading in-house school group activities, summer camps, and public events. I also collaborate on developing in-house exhibits and participate in Aquarium-wide committees.

Three people sit on a bench on a fishing pier as they fish and smile for the camera.

What do you most enjoy about your work? 
In this role, I have the rewarding opportunity to educate students on the vital importance of protecting our natural world. Through engaging, solution-oriented activities, I aim to inspire them to become conscientious stewards and consider their impact on the planet. For many students, their visit to Jennette’s Pier is a first encounter with the ocean. Witnessing their awe as they watch a wave break, catch their first fish, or, for the fortunate few, jump with excitement as dolphins swim by, is truly fulfilling.

What is your team like?
Though small, the education department at Jennette’s Pier packs a punch with its dedicated team. Our core staff consists of two permanent positions: Education Curator (myself) and Outreach Coordinator (Meredith Fish). Both roles encompass a wide range of responsibilities beyond their titles.

In addition to her role as Outreach Coordinator, Meredith also teaches school group programs, leads summer camps, and contributes to staff training. She also serves as our sustainability specialist, further enriching our environmental initiatives at the pier.

Our department thrives thanks to the invaluable contributions of several 11-month employees who are retuning this year—special thanks to Dustin, Flannery, and Kaya! Their dedication to our mission and their passion for our work are greatly appreciated.

What does a typical day look like for you? 
Depends on the season…

  • Check emails (boring), register school groups
  • Set up the school group programs of the day, in the fall we will have 2 to 3 field trips a week, and in the spring 2 a day.  Each visit is about 2.5 hours, and we set up three program rotations.
  • Teach the programs.
  • Eat lunch on the move 😊
  • Break down the programs
    Check emails again (boring) maybe register more groups, and sprinkle in a Teams call.
    Call it a day.
A group gathers on the beach with surfboards.

Can you share a particularly memorable moment on the job? 
It was one of the best days ever. A school group from central North Carolina visited, many of them experiencing the beach for the first time. That day, the ocean was exceptionally clear and teeming with cannonball jellyfish. As we were fishing, a large leatherback sea turtle emerged at the surface. The students were astonished and thrilled, unable to believe their eyes. Remarkably, more than one leatherback appeared, and every student had the chance to see these magnificent creatures as they rotated through the fishing program.

Can you share with us a fun fact about you?
I love all things ocean. I enjoy free-diving, surfing, beach combing, and paddle boarding. If I had one superpower it would be to have both lungs and gills.

What’s your job in another life? 
It’s not just a job—it’s a dream 😊. I envision being independently wealthy and using those resources to establish an accessibility center in my community. This center would provide a range of inclusive programs for all ages, including art classes, cooking workshops, educational sessions, and sports activities with a special emphasis on those offered by the Special Olympics. Additionally, we would offer a free community pool with complimentary swim lessons for everyone.

“Jennette’s Pier is many things to many people, but due to Christin’s creativity and passion we are first and foremost a premier, marine education center. Along with her Outreach Coordinator, Meredith, and a small, talented team of educators, Christin has created a lively learning environment that welcomes nearly 10,000 NC students annually from all corners of the state. Her love for the natural world and dedication to science is palpable and evident in all facets of her work. Her joy in sharing that love radiates through her team and into the busloads of children and teachers who may be experiencing the ocean for the very first time. Thanks to Christin and the program she has developed, Jennette’s Pier provides learning opportunities that are unmatched in North Carolina.” - Mike Remige, Director, Jennette’s Pier

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