Topics Related to Environment

The historically Black community of Kingsboro organized to stop hog slaughterhouse efforts, 1996. Environmental victory. Met 1/2 mile west.
Botanist and educator. Pioneer in the study of flora, southeastern U.S. Highlands his base after 1886; taught here.
Japanese photographer. Born Masahara Iizuka. Advocate of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Appalachian Trail. His studio was nearby.
Devastated western N.C. and western Piedmont; destroyed homes, crops, mills, bridges. Four lives lost, July 16, near main gate of Biltmore Estate.
Geographer who measured elevations at sites in western N.C., 1856-1860, including Hominy Creek Gap near here & Mt. Guyot, 25 mi. N.W.
First U.S. school of forestry. Established 1898 by Dr. C. A. Schenck, chief forester, Biltmore estate. Location until 1909 was nearby.
Governor, 1913-1917. He created the state highway & fisheries commissions, est. Mt. Mitchell State Park. Lived 1/2 mi. W.
Devastated western N.C. and western Piedmont; destroyed homes, crops, mills, bridges. Ten lives lost, July 16, in washout of trestle 1 mile south.
Granite monolith. Site acquired by Lucius Morse in 1902. Developed into tourist attraction. State park, 2007. One mi. S.
French botanist, pioneer in studying flora of western North Carolina, passed through Lincolnton, July 24, Sept. 11, 1794, and April 29, 1795.