"Christin Brown is an absolute jewel for Jennette's Pier and NC Aquariums. Christin and her very small yet powerful team embrace the opportunity to welcome nearly 10,000 students each year.
Opened in 1927 to serve Black patients during Jim Crow era. Housed nursing school, 1929-1954. Operated here until it relocated in 1996.
N.C. General Assembly appropriated funding for rural schools in 1911 to teach homemaking and farm life skills. First was opened 3/10 mile N.
State supervisor of Black elementary schools, 1915-1934. Est. N.C. Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers. Was Gates Co. Jeanes Supervisor, here.
Director, N.C. Division of Negro Education, 1921-50. White advocate for Black opportunities within the system of segregation. He lived 2 blocks N.
Botanist and educator. Pioneer in the study of flora, southeastern U.S. Highlands his base after 1886; taught here.
Est. in 1925 by Olive D. Campbell and Marguerite Butler, who adapted the Danish folk school model to study of the region.
Founder of Western Carolina University & its president, 1889-1912, & 1920-1923. Lived 5 mi. N.
A founder & benefactor of Cullowhee Academy, forerunner of Western Carolina University. Lived 2 miles north.