Topics Related to State Politics

The first constitution of the independent state was adopted in Halifax on December 18, 1776.
Lt. Col. in War of 1812; state senator, 1835-52; pres. Roanoke Navigation Co. & Weldon & Portsmouth R.R. Grave is 2 blks. S.
Former slave. Voted for better roads, schools, and colleges as State representative, 1879, 1887; and State senator, 1889. His home stands here.
U.S. Congressman, 1799-1815 and 1825-1831, as a Jeffersonian Republican; N.C. Representative and Senator. Grave 4 1/2 mi. SE.
Governor, 1802-1805, United States Senator and state legislator. "Bloomsbury," his home, stood 2 miles north.
Governor, 1917-21, first in state nominated by a Democratic primary, N.C. Attorney General, member state house. Home stands 1/2 mi. S.W.
Colonel in Revolution. Member of Continental Congress, 1778-1781; of Provincial Congresses; and of state legislature. Grave 125 yds. S.E.
Built about 1885. Home of three congressmen, W. H. Kitchin and his sons Wm. W. (governor, 1909-1913) and Claude.
Champion of liberalism. Member, State Supreme Court, 1889-1924; Chief Justice, 1902-24. Editor, State Records of N.C. Home, "Airlie," was here.
Editor "Colonial Records of North Carolina," Confederate colonel, N.C. Secretary of State, 1879-91. His grave is four blocks east.