Topics Related to State Politics

Governor, 1814-1817; state legislator and attorney general; U.S. Charge d'Affaires to Central America. Lived three miles north.
Organizer & Sec.-Treas. of State Board of Health, 1877-1892. Founded N.C. Medical Journal in 1878. Home was 1 block west.
Railroad president, congressman, state senator. In charge of Confederate railroad transportation, 1861-62. Home stands 1 mile W.
Confederate atty. gen., secretary of war & of state; first Jewish U.S. Senator, 1853 (La.). Boyhood home was here.
Governor, 1836-41, the first in N.C. elected by popular vote; first president of Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. His home stands 2 blocks W.
Governor, 1795-1798; one of the first three state judges; president, Council of Safety, 1776. His grave is 3 miles east.
First Jewish member of N.C. legislature, 1808. Delivered a landmark address on religious freedom. Lived here.
Physician and orator. Secretary of State of N.C., 1897-1901. Farmers' Alliance and Populist leader. Grave 4 mi. W.
Lawyer; member of N.C. legislature, 1881 & 1885. U.S. Congressman, 1897-1901. Born into slavery. Home stands 2 blocks N.
Free school advocate, 1749; Southern District treasurer, 1750-1765; member of assembly for 25 years. Grave located at "The Bluff" 4 mi. N.