Topics Related to State Politics

Justice of N.C. Supreme Court; Federal District Judge; state legislator. Grave is 3.5 mi. west.
Last Sec'y of War & first Sec'y of Army, 1947-49. Attorney; state senator; brig. gen., 1943-45. Led military justice reform. Home was here.
Plantation of Thomas S. Kenan, legislator & U.S. Congressman, whose son, Owen Rand, legislator, Confederate Congressman, and major, was born here.
Member of N.C. Senate, 1829-1836; Speaker, 1833-1835. First governor of State of Florida, 1845-1849. Home was 1 mi. N.
Confederate Senator, Speaker State House of Representatives, head of commission to codify State laws, 1883. Home is 1, grave 6, blocks S.
Governor, 1874-1877; congressman; legislator; and major general of state militia. His home was 2 miles northwest.
Landmark N.C. Supreme Court case, 1834, gave protection to slaves who killed in self-defense. Will was a slave on the Battle plantation, here.
Former slave. Member, legislature, six terms; newspaper publisher & advocate of education. Grave is 1/2 mile west.
Noted lawyer. Attorney general of N.C., 1848-51. Compiled Revised Code in 1854. Opposed secession. Born 7/10 mile west.
First African American to represent N.C. in U.S. Congress, 1875-77; state Senator & member, 1868 constitutional convention. He lived 1 block west.