Topics Related to State Politics

Member Congress, 1855-57; Confederate Senator; President State Convention, 1865; Justice N.C. Supreme Court, 1865-78. Birthplace was 2 mi. S.E.
Governor, 1802-1805, United States Senator, 1805-1816, and State legislator. Oakland, his home, stood 1 mile E.
Governor, 1811-1814; speaker, State House of Commons, 1810-1811. His home, Pleasant Hill, stands one mile N.W.
Speaker of the N.C. House and Senate. He cast deciding vote for North Carolina Railroad, 1849. He lived here.
Congressman. A State legislator and political leader. Died in 1828 at the age of 42. His home and grave are here.
Leader of popular movements: Regulation, Revolution, and Antifederalism. His home in Goshen stood five miles north.
Jurist and agriculturist. Chief Justice of North Carolina Supreme Court, 1833-1852 and 1858-1859. Grave 3/10 mile east.
First Alcoholic Beverage Control store in N.C. opened here, July 2, 1935, ending Prohibition, state law since 1909.
The first Secretary of State of N.C., 1777-98. Glasgow (now Greene) County was named for him. Convicted of land fraud. Lived 2 mi. N.E.
Veterans leader. National Commander of American Legion, 1931-32; Superior Court judge, 1939-62. He lived 2 blocks N.