Topics Related to State Politics

Black legislator & orator; member 1868 convention; a founder of Republican Party & Union League in N.C. Home was 1 block W.
N.C. Chief Justice, 1878-1889; state legislator; U.S. & Confederate Congressman. Home was one blk. W.; grave 3/4 mi. E.
United States Senator, 1950-53, speaker N.C. House of Representatives, president American Bar Assn. Home is 100 yds. W., grave is two miles S.E.
First Chief Justice of N.C. Supreme Court, 1819-1829; author of numerous legal works. Grave is 1/2 mi. E. Home is 1 mi. S.W.
Home of chief justices John L. Taylor & Thos. Ruffin; of Wm. Gaston, Romulus M. Saunders, & Samuel A. Ashe. Built about 1813. Is 70 yds. N.
Governor, 1941-45; U.S. Senator, 1948-49. Member, General Assembly, 1927, 1929. Home was two blocks west.
Justice of State Supreme Court, 1938-1950; state legislator and attorney general. Home is here.
Built 1800-1801 by John Haywood, N.C. treasurer, 1787-1827. Operated now by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in State of N.C.
Governor, 1849-51. Whig Party leader. His law office, relocated & restored, stands 70 yds. N.
Governor, 1828-1830; state legislator; and Whig party leader. His grave is 400 yards W.