Topics Related to State Politics

Major in Revolution, a commander at Kings Mountain, Congressman, state legislator. Town of Winston named for him. Home was 4 mi. W.
Governor, 1905-1909; legislator. Champion of Prohibition and of railroad regulation. Home stood 1 block W.
Justice N.C. Supreme Court, served in N.C. House & Senate, Confederate captain, minister to Peru. Home is 2 mi. W.
State treasurer, 1953-77; commissioner of revenue, 1942-49. Secretary, Gov. O. Max Gardner, 1931-33. Lived one block N.
Meeting hall of the Richmond Temperance and Literary Society, 1860 to 1890's. Sacked by Sherman's army in 1865. Stands 1 1/2 mi. W.
Colonel in Revolution, member of provincial congresses and state senator. Robeson County is named for him. His home stood 1/2 mile N.E.
Built on site of the "State House," burned 1831, where the North Carolina Convention of 1789 ratified the Federal Constitution.
Governor, 1828-1830; state legislator; and Whig party leader. His home stood 4 miles NW.
Lawyer, state senator. Author of 1901 "London Libel Law." Editor of Chatham Record, 1878-1918. Home was here.
Colonel of black N.C. regiment in war with Spain; edited Raleigh Gazette; legislator. Home was 25 ft. W.