Topics Related to Judges

Organized here, Feb. 10, 1899, in room then used by N.C. Supreme Court. Platt Walker of Charlotte, group's first president.
N.C. Chief Justice, 1878-1889; state legislator; U.S. & Confederate Congressman. Home was one blk. W.; grave 3/4 mi. E.
First Chief Justice of N.C. Supreme Court, 1819-1829; author of numerous legal works. Grave is 1/2 mi. E. Home is 1 mi. S.W.
Home of chief justices John L. Taylor & Thos. Ruffin; of Wm. Gaston, Romulus M. Saunders, & Samuel A. Ashe. Built about 1813. Is 70 yds. N.
Justice of State Supreme Court, 1938-1950; state legislator and attorney general. Home is here.
Advocate of improved schools, roads, canals. Jurist, teacher, legislator. Born 7/10 mi. S.
Jurist and educator. Member of first N.C. Supreme Court; Chief Justice, 1829-1833. His grave is 1/2 mi. W.
Founder of Transylvania Colony (Ky.) & Nashville (Tenn.), author Cumberland Compact (1780), judge, member N.C. Council of State. Grave 1 mi. N.
Member Congress, 1855-57; Confederate Senator; President State Convention, 1865; Justice N.C. Supreme Court, 1865-78. Birthplace was 2 mi. S.E.
Judge and local official. Target of Regulators who ransacked and destroyed his nearby home, 1770.