Topics Related to Judges

United States Senator, 1895-1903, Republican leader, newspaperman, federal judge. His home is 3/10 mile east; grave is 1.3 mi. west.
U.S. Senator, 1873-79; Chief Justice of State Supreme Court, 1889-92. Birthplace was 1 mi. E.
Superior Court judge; a founder of Catawba College; state senator & Confederate colonel. His home stood here.
Chief justice 1 year & assoc. justice 20 yrs., N.C. Supreme Court. Superior court judge 13 yrs. Birthplace stood here.
U.S. Senator, 1954-1974; led Senate Watergate Committee, 1973-1974; judge. His law office was one block west.
First U.S. Judge for District of N.C., 1790, captain in Revolution, state legislator, member of convention of 1789. His plantation was nearby.
Chief Justice of State Supreme Court, 1859-78. Conducted law school at Richmond Hill, his home, located 5 mi. NW.
Chief judge, U.S. Fourth Circuit, 1931-58; alternate member, Nuremberg tribunal, 1945-46. He was born one block SE.
Was first female chief justice of N.C. Supreme Court, elected in 1974. First female superior court judge & associate justice. Lived 3 blks. W.
Writer, judge, & Union army officer. Member, constitutional convention, 1868. Lived 2 blocks S.