Topics Related to Judges

Was Minister to Spain, 1845-49; congressman, judge, and legislator. Lived 1/10 mile north.
Jurist and agriculturist. Chief Justice of North Carolina Supreme Court, 1833-1852 and 1858-1859. Grave 3/10 mile east.
Veterans leader. National Commander of American Legion, 1931-32; Superior Court judge, 1939-62. He lived 2 blocks N.
Justice of N.C. Supreme Court; Federal District Judge; state legislator. Grave is 3.5 mi. west.
Champion of liberalism. Member, State Supreme Court, 1889-1924; Chief Justice, 1902-24. Editor, State Records of N.C. Home, "Airlie," was here.
Governor, 1897-1901; Superior Court judge, 1868-1874; member of Congress, 1879-1881. Born two miles N.E.
Associate justice U.S. Supreme Court, 1799-1804. Continental Line & militia officer; attorney general. Grave 2 mi. SE.
Governor, 1795-1798; one of the first three state judges; president, Council of Safety, 1776. His grave is 3 miles east.
American precedent for judicial review of legislation set nearby, 1787, by Samuel Ashe, Samuel Spencer, John Williams.
Justice of N.C. Supreme Court, 1833-44; lawmaker. An advocate for state's Catholics. Wrote state song, "The Old North State." Lived 1 block N.