TOMES Project Resources
As part of the TOMES project we plan to produce an array of resources, including documentation of our work, reports, presentations and meeting materials. As these materials are developed, they'll be made available on this page.
Click on a category tab title to see the resources of that type that are currently available.
Project Quick Links
The State Archives of North Carolina has created documentation for the appraisal and transfer of email using a Capstone appraisal approach, as well as reports documenting the processing of state government email using the TOMES software tool.
Email Appraisal and Transfer Documentation
- Capstone Appraisal Criteria
- Capstone Assessment Forms 1, 2, and 3
- Capstone Removal Form
TOMES Software Processing Documentation
Please visit for technical documentation of the TOMES project.
Best Practices Exchange, October 20, 2015 "Three States Take on the Digital Preservation Challenge"
North Carolina Chief Information Officer Meeting, April 28, 2016
Society of American Archivists, August 16, 2018, "Email Archiving Comes of Age"
The TOMES software tool was also presented as a live demo at the Email Tutorial Workshop at iPres 2018 in Boston, MA.
View technical resources related to this project on our GitHub account page.
- A Report from the Task Forceon Technical Approaches for Email Archives - Findings of the Task Force on Technical Approaches for Email Archives, sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Digital Preservation Coalition.
- Preservation of Electronic Mail Collaboration Initiative (EMCAP) - State Archives of North Carolina, Pennsylvania State Archives, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
- ePADD - Stanford University
- The Collaborative Electronic Records Project (CERP) - Smithsonian Institution Archives