The North Carolina Arts Council offers a host of resources to help artists be able to practice their craft, including grants, resource guides by discipline and job listings.

Grants for Artists

In addition to two year fellowships for songwriters, composers, writers, choreographers and visual, craft and film/video artists, the N.C. Arts Council's grants for individuals support innovative artist-in-residence projects in communities, and provide intensive, directed training in folklife and funds grants for regional artists.

Learn More About Grants for Individual Artists

Resource Guides by Discipline

Festival listings, ideas for funding opportunities, links to guidance on copyright and other legal issues, directories of relevant organizations and more, compiled by discipline (i.e. dance, theater, visual arts, etc.).

Browse Resource Guides by Discipline

Job Listings

Both the N.C Arts Council and Arts North Carolina, a statewide arts advocacy organization that DCR works closely with, offer job banks that aggregate employment opportunities in the arts industry from across North Carolina.

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