Topics Related to U.S. Senate

Member of United States Senate for 18 years and president pro tempore, 1842-45; Congressman; Whig party leader. Home site, grave, 10 mi. N.E.
United States Senator from Missouri, 1821-1851; Congressman; author; Jacksonian Democratic leader; was born, 1782, in this neighborhood.
U.S. Senator, 1829-1840; legislator; and staunch Unionist. Lived at "Rose Hill," located here.
Confederate Senator, Speaker State House of Representatives, head of commission to codify State laws, 1883. Home is 1, grave 6, blocks S.
Governor, 1879-1885; Minister to Brazil; United States Senator. Home is 3 blocks S. Grave is 1 block W.
Secretary of War under Andrew Jackson; U.S. Senator from Tenn.; Fla. governor; U.S. minister to Spain. Born here.
Governor, 1802-1805, United States Senator and state legislator. "Bloomsbury," his home, stood 2 miles north.
Member Continental Congress, United States Senator, 1789-1795, U.S. Indian Agent to the Creek Nation, 1796-1816. Home was 5 1/2 mi. S.W.
Governor of N.C., 1817-20, and of the Florida Territory, Secretary of the Navy, U.S. Senator. Home was four blocks, grave is 1/2 mile, west.
Confederate General, United States Senator, 1872-95, and Minister to Mexico. Home stands 800 yards south.