Topics Related to U.S. Senate

United States Senator, 1950-53, speaker N.C. House of Representatives, president American Bar Assn. Home is 100 yds. W., grave is two miles S.E.
United States Senator, 1931-1946. A Baptist leader and editor of "The Biblical Recorder." Home was here.
Governor, 1941-45; U.S. Senator, 1948-49. Member, General Assembly, 1927, 1929. Home was two blocks west.
United States Senator, 1958-1973, and textile executive. Jordan Lake named for him, 1973. He lived 1 mile NE.
Governor, 1949-1953; United States Senator, 1954-1958; N.C. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1937-1948. Birthplace is nearby.
Founder, 1870, of Webb School, since 1886 in Bell Buckle, Tenn. Confederate soldier, U.S. Senator, 1913. Born 1842, one mile S.
Governor, 1953-54, U.S. Senator, congressman; Democratic leader; and lawyer. Birthplace is 6 1/2 mi., grave 5 1/2 mi., N.E.
Member Congress, 1855-57; Confederate Senator; President State Convention, 1865; Justice N.C. Supreme Court, 1865-78. Birthplace was 2 mi. S.E.
Governor, 1802-1805, United States Senator, 1805-1816, and State legislator. Oakland, his home, stood 1 mile E.
Governor, 1845-1849; Secretary of the Navy; United States Senator; Whig nominee for Vice-President in 1852. His home stands 150 yds. W.