Topics Related to Johnston County

Advanced to this point during the afternoon of March 21. The XV Corps established a line of works across the road here. Earthworks remain.
Sherman's Left and Right Wings joined forces here during the afternoon of March 20, 1865. They constructed works across the road and skirmished with the Confederates.
On March 19 the line extended 3/4 mile to the rear of this marker and one mile to the left, forming a strong hook- shaped position with a right angle turn here. On March 20 the Left Wing was pulled back to this point and the new Confederate line crossed the road here. Earthworks remain.
Held the line along this road and repulsed the assault of Hobart's Union Brigade, March 19, 1865. This line was evacuated, March 20.
The Left Confederate Wing, part of a long hook-shaped line designed to trap the Union forces, extended across the road here on March 19. This sector, occupied by Maj. Gen. R.F. Hoke's Division, was evacuated on March 20. A new line parallel to the road was established 500 yards north.
Brig. Gen. W. P. Carlin's Division attacked the Confederate line above the road here on March 19. Repulsed, they threw up works but were driven out by the Confederate charge.
One-half mile south of this point, across the road, Brig. Gen. J.D. Morgan's Union Division halted the main Confederate charge, March 19, 1865, in one of the fiercest engagements of the battle.
Stood in this field. Scene of heavy fighting, March 19. Destroyed on March 20 by Confederate artillery to prevent sniping.
After overrunning two Union lines above this road, the Confederates crossed here in the main assault of March 19, 1865. Union reinforcements halted their advance in the woods below the road.
Across the fields behind this marker the Confederate Right Wing made five attacks on Union positions to the left, March 19, 1865. They were thrown back by the XX Federal Corps.