Topics Related to Industry

Constructed, 1942-1944, by the Tennessee Valley Authority. At 480 feet tallest dam in eastern U.S. One mile north.
Model logging village established in 1905. Supplied lumber to WWI effort & Champion paper mill. Flooded by Lake Logan, 1932. Was here.
Lost industry in western N.C. Bark used to process animal hides to make leather goods. Joseph Silversteen operated one here from 1901 to 1958.
Opened Black Mountains to logging and tourism. Built, 1911-1914. It ran from point nearby to Camp Alice, 21 mi. NE.
Iron works set up four mi. W. by Philip Sitton after 1804. Source for manufacture of rifles by Philip Gillespie. Both operated to 1860s.
Manufacturer of horse-drawn wooden wagons. At peak capacity produced 1000 per month. Operated from 1880 to 1940s 1/10 mile north.
Engineer and inventor. Pioneered advances in textile mill air conditioning. Home 3 mi. SW.
Begun in 18th century by Hartsoe, Hilton, Johnson, Propst, Ritchie, Seagle, and Reinhardt families living in 4 mi. radius.
Governor of North Carolina, 1945-1949. State legislator. Promoted good roads and rural electrification. Grave is 3 miles S.E.
Founder of High Shoals Iron Works about 1795. One of first producers of pig iron by charcoal process. Revolutionary patriot. Buried 20 yards W.