Topics Related to Industry

Founder of Syracuse, N.Y., early advocate of Erie Canal. Moved to N. Carolina, 1829. Land and mining speculator. Grave is 50 yds. east.
Prof. Henry L. Smith pioneered medical uses for x-rays. Conducted experiments and made radiographs Feb. 1896 in physics lab nearby.
French company in 1913 began Narrows Dam and town named for Adrien Badin, president Southern Aluminum, a subsidiary. Office stood 1/2 mi. N.W.
Textile pioneer; founder of Cannon Mills, 1887, and Kannapolis, 1906; leading manufacturer of towels. Grave 2 mi. S.
Crusader for southern industrial development, manufacturer, engineer, author, and publisher. Grave is 1/2 mile north.
Thomas B. Tyson & W. T. Jones's factory produced horse-drawn vehicles sold across South, 1850s to 1920s. At peak made 3000 per year. Stood here.
Begun in 18th century by Chriscoe, Cole, Craven, Luck, McNeill, Owen, & Teague families living within 5 mile radius.
Member of Congress & State Senator. Planter and promoter of mining & manufacturing. Home here, grave 4/5 mi. west.
Site of extensive gunsmithing operations in 18th and 19th centuries. The Kennedy family led in producing long rifles.
Est. in 1909. Furniture exposition hall opened here on June 20, 1921. Marketing landmark for key N.C. industry.