Topics Related to Civil War

Governor of Mississippi, 1854-1857. Member, U.S. Senate and House; Confederate congressman. Born 5 miles southeast.
Founder, Guilford Battle Ground Company, 1887. Led effort to preserve battlefield. His grave is 200 yds. northwest.
Smelting furnace built by Nathaniel Moody in 1843. It supplied iron to Confederacy, 1862-1865. Stands 3/10 mi. NE.
Railroad line between Greensboro and Danville. Constructed, 1862-1864, for the Confederacy. Its terminus was nearby.
Writer, judge, & Union army officer. Member, constitutional convention, 1868. Lived 2 blocks S.
Operated by Clapp, Gates and Company. Made rifles and military supplies for N.C. and the Confederacy, 1861-64. Site 1/4 mi. E.
A Quaker abolitionist; guided slaves on paths to freedom as leader of Underground Railroad. Was born ca. 4 mi. N.
Governor, 1885-1889, Confederate general, state legislator, and Congressman. Birthplace stood 3 1/2 mi. E.
Set up in the First Presbyterian Church to receive wounded from Battle of Bentonville, 1865, was here.
Members of the cabinet, fleeing south, occupied a railroad car near this spot, Apr. 11-15, 1865.