Topics Related to Civil War

With President Davis held last full meetings April 22-26, 1865 in a house which was located here.
Enclosure, 16 acres. Once held 10,000 men. Destroyed by Federals, 1865. Site one block south.
General Johnston's men paid off and mustered out near here, May 1-2, 1865, after surrender near Durham, April 26.
Chartered 1828; opened 1836. Jonathan Worth, N.C. governor (1865-68), its president. Supplied clothing for Confederate war effort. 2 mi. N.
Completed 1858. Interior was burned, 1865, rebuilt ca. 1867. Fine example of Classical Revival style.
Associate Justice, State Supreme Court, 1878-1887; Member of Congress, 1873-1877; Member of Confederate Congress; legislator. Home is one mile west.
President Davis, fleeing southward after Lee's surrender, with members of his cabinet spent the night of Apr. 16, 1865, in a pine grove nearby.
Kilpatrick's Cavalry, a part of Sherman's army marching from Savannah to Goldsboro, passed through Wadesboro, March 3-5, 1865.
As Sherman's army moved north from Georgia on its path of destruction, one part entered North Carolina near here, March 4-7, 1865.
Kilpatrick's Cavalry, a part of Sherman's Army, marching from Savannah to Goldsboro, passed through Rockingham on March 7-8, 1865.