Our Sponsors & Partners

Thank You to Our Supporters!
We extend our special thanks to our sponsors, partner organizations, and individual supporters who donate their time and money to support our mission to engage North Carolina students in the hands-on discovery of history.
Our Primary Sponsors
Each year the North Caroliniana Society and the Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies supports the N.C. History Day program by providing the resources that make this program's operation possible.

Our 2023-24 Sponsor
The 2023-24 program year was supported in part by North Carolina Humanities the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, www.nchumanities.org. Thanks to their support we were able to create a new Sandhills Region based at UNC Pembroke, support students with supplies and tools to make the program more accessible, offer contest scholarships, and support teachers in rural North Carolina counties to attend online professional development courses.

Our 2024-25 Sponsor
Starting in 2023, we were honored to have been chosen by National History Day® to be apart of their inclusive history project which is sponsored the Bezos Family Foundation. Through this ongoing sponsorship into the current school year, we are able to support to assist schools in Western North Carolina and designated rural counties to participate in the National History Day® program.

Our State & Regional Partners
We also would like to recognize our partners at the North Carolina Association for Scholastic Activities and our regional contest hosts: Alamance Community College, Blue Ridge Community College, Cape Fear Museum, East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State University, Surry Community College, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, and UNC Pembroke. Their dedication to learning is the foundation of this program's success.