In the 2005 comedy-drama “Junebug,” Madeleine, a sophisticated art dealer from Chicago, visits North Carolina to check out a self-taught “outsider” artist. She and her brand-new husband extend the trip to meet her eccentric in-laws in a small North Carolina town. This homecoming story of clashing cultures, family complexities, and small-town life was written by University of North Carolina School of the Arts alumnus Angus MacLachlan. The film was shot in Winston-Salem, as well as Pfafftown and McLeansville.
Watch “Junebug” (MPAA rating: R-L,S) on Friday, May 8, at 6 p.m. in Daniels Auditorium at the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh. Tickets cost $5 plus tax per person, and $4 plus tax for museum members. “Junebug” is presented as part of the Starring North Carolina! Film Series.
“Junebug” won 25 film awards and received 18 nominations. It is well-known for Amy Adams’ breakthrough role as Ashley, the very pregnant sister-in-law of Madeleine. For her role, Adams was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2005, the same year the Sundance Film Festival recognized her with a special jury prize for her performance.
Come see Starring North Carolina!, a major exhibit celebrating the state’s films, television shows, cast members, and production crews. The exhibit features costumes and props from “Bull Durham,” “Iron Man 3,” “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” “Sleepy Hollow,” and dozens more! Purchase exhibit tickets in the Museum Shop.
For information about the N.C. Museum of History, call 919-807-7900 or access or follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ or YouTube.