Friday, February 26, 2016

March Tours Salute Women at Reed Gold Mine

<p>Reed Gold Mine will offer &quot;Women at Reed Gold Mine&quot; tours every Saturday in March to highlight how women lived inside and outside the homestead.</p>
Feb 26, 2016

America's first documented discovery of gold in 1799 celebrates Conrad Reed, who found the gold nugget, and his father John Reed, who developed the mine. No notice is given to the role of his mother, Sarah Kaiser Reed, or other women in the area during the gold rush.

Reed Gold Mine will offer "Women at Reed Gold Mine" tours every Saturday in March to highlight how women lived inside and outside the homestead. Celebrate Women's History Month with a review of the many roles women played.

Beyond the "rags to riches" gold rush story that people often enjoy is the overlooked narrative of how women functioned in that patriarchal, antebellum society. The tours will demonstrate how women defined themselves as teachers, miners and activists. It offers lessons on the impact of female labor in the region and the social obligations commonly imposed upon women.

Women today will be able to connect with the various roles thrust upon women on this tour. Regardless of class or ethnicity, women were restricted to second class status to men. "Women at Reed Gold Mine" provides a different perspective on the operations of Reed Gold Mine and how antebellum society could require women to perform beyond gender roles. The discovery of gold is important, but not the only story to be told at Reed.

Tours are March 5, 12, 19 and 26 at 1 p.m. The cost is $2; children under 12 are free. For information, please call (704) 721-4653. Reed Gold Mine is within the Division of State Historic Sites within the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. It is located at 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, N.C. 

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