About the Program 

In 1935 the North Carolina General Assembly authorized the establishment of the North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Program (Public Laws, Chapter 197). From that time forward, the program has been administered as a cooperative venture among state agencies. It is presently the joint responsibility of the Historical Research Office, Division of Historical Resources, Department of Cultural Resources, and the Traffic Engineering Branch, Division of Highways, Department of Transportation. The North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Program is one of the oldest such programs in continuous operation in the United States.
Before 1935 the North Carolina Historical Commission, which had been established in 1903, and private organizations (such as the Daughters of the American Revolution) sponsored a small number of historical markers and plaques. The state program, modeled after one begun in Virginia in 1926, was an effort to standardize the practice of marking sites of statewide historical significance. The silver and black markers have become a familiar part of the state's landscape since the first one was put in place in Granville County on January 10, 1936. Over 1,600 state highway historical markers have been erected. At least one stands in every county.
For young people, the markers may spark a curiosity that leads to further study of and appreciation for the historical development of the region. For visitors, the signs may be their only exposure to the history of the Tar Heel State. For residents, the presence of a state marker in their community can be a source of pride, a signal that an event of historical significance took place close to home. The Department of Cultural Resources and the Department of Transportation remain committed to the program as it moves toward its centennial.

Tab/Accordion Items

Highway Historical Marker Advisory Committee
Established by the 1935 enabling legislation was the Highway Historical Marker Advisory Committee, the group responsible for oversight of the program. The committee is composed of ten faculty members from four-year colleges and universities who are experts in one or more aspects of the state's history. Over the years many of this century's leading scholars of North Carolina history have served on the committee.
Members are appointed by the secretary of the Department of Cultural Resources and serve five-year terms. The committee generally meets twice a year, in the spring and fall. Their specific charge is to advise the secretary on the historical authenticity, relative merit, and appropriateness of each subject brought to their attention; to approve or disapprove each proposal; to fix the wording of the inscriptions; and to establish criteria for carrying out the program.

North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Advisory Committee 2023

Dr. Katie Deale
Department of History
Barton College
400 Atlantic Christian College Drive NE
Wilson, NC 27893
Term expires: 2026

Dr. Ajamu Dillahunt-Holloway
North Carolina State University
History Department, Withers Hall NA
1210 Varsity Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27606
Term expires: 2029

Dr. Alvis Dunn
Department of History
University of North Carolina Asheville
CPO 2830
One University Heights 
Asheville, NC 28804
Term expires: 2025

Dr. Daniel Fountain     
226 Lux Hall
Department of History
Meredith College    
3800 Hillsborough Rd. 
Term expires: 2028

Dr. Glen Anthony Harris    
Department of History
258 Morton Hall  
University of North Carolina Wilmington 
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
Term expires: 2027

Dr. Jillian Hinderliter
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
104 Airport Dr Ste 2200
Smith 205,Women's and Gender Studies
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Term expires: 2029    

Dr. Blair Kelley
North Carolina State University
Interdisciplinary Studies
Campus Box 7107
Raleigh, NC 27695
Term expires: 2025

Dr. David Mitchell
Department of History
Wingate University
205 N. Main Street
Wingate, NC 28174
Term expires: 2026

Dr. Christopher Oakley
Department of History
Brewster A-315
East Carolina University
E. 5th St.  
Greenville NC 27858
Term expires: 2028

Dr. Rose Stremlau   
History & Gender and Sexuality Studies 
Davidson College
Box 7041        
209 Ridge Road
Davidson, NC 28035
Term expires: 2027     

Many of the state highway historical markers have now been in service for sixty years or longer. The marker materials and design were selected in part for their permanence and the fact that they wear well under all weather conditions. Still, regular maintenance, such as painting, straightening, or post replacement, is required from time to time. The Department of Transportation conducts such maintenance as necessary.

Each year a few signs are destroyed by vandals or in traffic accidents. Individuals can assist by reporting missing signs or maintenance needs to the Research Branch of the Office of Archives and History.

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