Graham County has been chosen as the subject of a comprehensive survey of historic buildings and landscapes planned to take place in 2025. The 2025 architectural survey will intensively document historic buildings and landscapes from the 19th century through the 1970s. Data gathered during the survey will assist Graham County in planning for the preservation of its historic resources for years to come.
Dr. Michael Ann Williams and Audrey Thomas, architectural survey specialists with the State Historic Preservation Office (HPO), will complete the project. They will conduct fieldwork from April to May, with the project concluding in late 2025.
Architectural survey entails documentation of buildings and landscapes that are at least 50 years old. Fieldworkers take photographs, draw site plans, and collect oral history from people they meet on site. They conduct a limited amount of archival research to establish countywide patterns of historical development. Properties that appear to be potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, either individually or as historic districts, will be identified. National Register properties are potentially eligible for state and federal tax credits for certified historic rehabilitation. The Graham County Comprehensive Architectural Survey will culminate in a final report that analyzes the history of the county through the lens of its historic architecture.
After the survey, the HPO will retain all materials from the survey as part of the statewide architectural record. Public access to the information will be available through HPOWEB, the HPO’s geographic information system, which is accessible online at The survey material will facilitate the environmental review necessary for state and federal undertakings and will aid in planning for future economic and community development projects. Survey products also will be useful for the continued development of heritage tourism programs in Graham County.
For more information on the Graham County Comprehensive Architectural Survey, contact Elizabeth C. King, Architectural Survey Coordinator for the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, at or 828-250-3108, or Michael Ann Williams at or Audrey Thomas at or 828-296-7230.
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