Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tobacco Myths and Harvest Celebration at Duke Homestead

<p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="background:white"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:9.0pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">Tobacco built and shaped the Durham that we know today thanks largely to the Duke family that started their manufacturing tobacco business in Durham. Duke Homestead will share two free programs in August focused on the history and culture of tobacco. An examination of tobacco myths Saturday, Aug. 18, and a celebration of harvest Saturday, Aug. 25, will offer a well-rounded picture of raising tobacco in North Carolina.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p>
Aug 14, 2018

Tobacco built and shaped the Durham that we know today thanks largely to the Duke family that started their manufacturing tobacco business in Durham. Duke Homestead will share two free programs in August focused on the history and culture of tobacco. An examination of tobacco myths Saturday, Aug. 18, and a celebration of harvest Saturday, Aug. 25, will offer a well-rounded picture of raising tobacco in North Carolina.

“Mythbusting Day: Tobacco Myths,” Aug. 18 will explore myths and misconceptions about tobacco. What makes tobacco bad for you? Who invented the iconic bright leaf tobacco? Get answers to these and other questions and enjoy special guided tours at Duke Homestead. You can become an expert on what’s true or not about the plant that built Durham. Hourly tours are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The “Harvest and Hornworm Festival,” Aug. 25 at Duke Homestead annually celebrates North Carolina’s farming history and culture. Visitors will get to know the processes behind the iconic crop at the center of the Duke family’s story.

Time travel to see costumed interpreters as they harvest, loop and cure tobacco. Get hands-on with history in a looping contest.  See Washington Duke’s tobacco factory come to life and witness the last tobacco auction in Durham with seasoned industry veterans once the life-blood of Durham. Afternoon mule-drawn wagon rides will provide a whole new perspective of the historic property.

The Harvest and Hornworm Festival also will feature live music from local artists, arts and crafts vendors, field day games, crafts and games for kids and delicious barbecue.

Save room for the afternoon Moon Pie eating contest! The classic Southern treat turns everyone competitive as kids and adults vie for a taste of Moon Pie glory.

For more information contact (919) 477-5498 or visit DukeHomestead.org. Duke Homestead is located at 2828 Duke Homestead Rd., Durham, and part of the Division of State Historic Sites within the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.    

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