The application period is underway for teachers in North Carolina’s Title I schools to participate in the Aquarium Scholars program, an educational outreach opportunity that connects students with undersea worlds, amazing animals and ocean science.
Through Sept. 15, 2018, teachers can apply for mini-grants to fund programming such as in-classroom animal encounters, class trips to North Carolina Aquariums, or distance learning sessions that bring the North Carolina coast right to their classrooms.
The Aquarium Scholars program was developed by the nonprofit North Carolina Aquarium Society in partnership with private donors across the state, the three aquariums (Fort Fisher, Pine Knoll Shores and Roanoke Island) and Jennette’s Pier (Nags Head), North Carolina public schools, and the Friday Institute at North Carolina State University. The program seeks to provide underserved students in North Carolina Title I schools access to ocean science, technology, engineering and math.
The launch of an abbreviated Aquarium Scholars cycle from January to April 2018 proved to be a big success, providing education programming and aquarium experiences for more than 6,300 students. The 2018/2019 program cycle will span the entire year and is expected to serve three times that number of students.
“We are happy to have successfully launched the Aquarium Scholars program last year, awarding over $65,000 to Title I schools,” said David Griffin, Director of the Aquariums Division of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural resources. “We look forward to offering even more grants to Title I schools for the coming school year, for aquarium and pier field trips and outreach programs.”
Funding support for Aquarium Scholars has been generously provided by the R.A. Bryan Foundation, Duke Energy Foundation, Wells Fargo Foundation, Grady-White Boats, Southern Bank Foundation, Tetlow and Roy Park Aquarium Legacy Fund, Triad Foundation, Allan C. & Margaret L. Mims Foundation, Harold H. Bate Foundation, Bill & Bob Dobo Trust, Goodnight Education Foundation, and the N.C. Aquarium Society Board of Directors
For more information and to fill out an application, please visit The application deadline is Sept. 15, 2018.