Press Releases

Photos from the across 10 categories in the 2015 Wildlife in North Carolina Photo Competition will be on display at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences beginning Saturday, February 6 and through the end of July 2016

The golden logos of the NFL Super Bowl marketing, golden rings and a gold "50" to the winners, along with a moment in sports history are not the only golden features of Super Bowl 50. History gives the golden moment a more significant meaning.

Resentment and frustration fomented in the land. Government leaders would not listen, imposed central rule and levied unjust taxes. 

A man-killer at large! A countryside in terror! Only one man knows the next victim. But it’s a man gone mad! Join us for a spine-chilling, nerve-shattering horror-drama when the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences shows “The Ape” on First Friday, February 5, 7 p.m. 

Visitors from all 50 states traveled to see exhibition of 131 works by Dutch graphic artist.

Did you know that the land of the Carolinas once extended ocean to ocean, covering parts of what is now Florida, Mexico, Texas, and California? King Charles II granted this land in 1663 to several of his supporters-the "Lords Proprietors"-in return for their service to the Crown during the English Restoration.

Two months before ratification of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote, Lillian Exum Clement was nominated by Buncombe County democrats to serve in the State House.

Tryon Palace will offer free admission to the Governor's Palace, historic homes and gardens during Free Day, held Saturday, Feb. 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tryon Palace will host behind-the-scenes tours of the costume shop Tuesday, Jan. 26, beginning at 2 p.m. Tours will be led by historic clothing interpreter Leslie Lambrecht and held inside the historic Jones House, which serves as the home of the Tryon Palace Costume Shop.

The North Carolina Symphony will perform Mozart’s Piano Concerto, featuring pianist Benjamin Grosvenor, on Friday, Jan. 29, and Saturday, Jan. 30.