Press Releases

Nominations for the state's next poet laureate, the ambassador of North Carolina literature, will be accepted from Wednesday, Nov. 15 to Friday, Dec. 8 online at

A day of fun awaits the whole family at the “Life of a Sailor” free program at the Gov. Richard Caswell Memorial site, 2612 W. Vernon Ave., Kinston, Saturday, Nov. 18, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The program is being reintroduced after an absence following the move of the CSS Neuse to downtown. The CSS Neuse Gunboat Association sponsors the event, which will encompass cooking, cannon fire and much more.

Holiday music will welcome visitors to a heartwarming traditional Christmas with seasonal decorations of fresh greenery and floral arrangements at the 28th Annual Somerset Place Christmas Open House Sunday, Dec. 3, 1 to 4 p.m. Enjoy and experience a festive holiday season with sights, sounds and natural decorations on the exterior and interior of buildings and wishes of good cheer.

Spend this Veterans Day experiencing art, history and nature at the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources attractions.

Fort Dobbs State Historic Site will honor and showcase North Carolina’s military history with a “Military Timeline” Nov. 18-19. Visitors will learn about the experiences of soldiers and support personnel from the past 400 years.

The state of North Carolina is seeking feedback on a feasibility study evaluating the suitability of a state park on the Black River in parts of Sampson, Bladen and Pender counties. During the 2017 legislative session, the N.C. General Assembly directed the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation to conduct the study and report results to the Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources by March 1, 2018.

To commemorate the 300th anniversary of Blackbeard’s adventures along the North Carolina coast – the place where he was ultimately brought to justice – the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources is showcasing a traveling exhibit that includes artifacts representing weaponry, nautical tools and personal items recovered from his wrecked flagship the Queen Anne’s Revenge (QAR)

A new destination park in historic downtown Wilson filled with kinetic, colorful whirligigs created by North Carolina’s own world-renowned folk artist Vollis Simpson will be officially dedicated and opens on Thursday, Nov. 2.

Beginning Nov. 1, admission fees at North Carolina aquariums will be reduced for patrons presenting an Electronic Benefits Transfer, or EBT, card along with a valid form of photo identification.

Sit at home, turn on your laptop or tablet, and learn what resources and tools are available at the State Archives of North Carolina and the N.C. Government and Heritage Library for researching your family history. The annual Family History Fair streams on Saturday, November 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.