This Day in North Carolina History was launched on WordPress on October 1, 2013. At the time we had no idea how long we would be able to continue to find fresh content for each day. As time passed it got harder and harder to find new topics, so the decision was made to put the emails into re-run on October 1, 2016. With that change comes the opportunity to move all of the old posts into a new platform that will be more attractive and, most importantly, easier to search. Links that you have on websites will continue to function as they always have. The site will just look and operate differently.
New Site Location
The new site is be located at this URL:
Email Updates
Daily updates from This Day in North Carolina History will continue uninterrupted for most users. The only users that will experience an interruption are those following the blog through their WordPress account. If you are doing so and wish to continue to receive updates, please sign up with your email address here.
We hope that you will take the time to fill out this short form in order to continue to “get history in your inbox.” After all, re-runs are history, too.
#5 Legendary Percy Flowers, “King of the Moonshiners” 6957 views
#4 Freakish Weather Alarms Eastern North Carolina, 1940 7523 views
#3 Poor Naomi Wise, “Sacrificed to the Beast in Man” 9041 views
#2 The Trail of Tears and the Roundup of N.C. Cherokees 9688 views
#1 Courtroom Slaying in Morganton, 1851 14040 views