Cultural Resources Sec. Susan Kluttz and her entire staff were saddened to hear of the loss of artist Vollis Simpson over the weekend. She wishes to share the following thoughts: Born and bred in North Carolina, Vollis Simpson is a unique example of the vibrancy and creativity of North Carolina’s artists. A farm mechanic by trade, Vollis used his mechanical skills to create inspired and distinctive works of art. Not out to make a name for himself, he didn’t even consider himself an artist when he first started practicing his craft. Late in life, he connected with the artist within himself and was able to make his vision a reality for all of us to enjoy. Vollis combined his years of experience in moving houses and fixing machinery and his heart-felt patriotism to transform unused materials into magical machines that touched the child’s heart in each of us. His soaring sculptures have amazed onlookers for decades, and his work promises to inspire North Carolina artists for generations to come.

Our department has been fortunate to have many connections with Vollis—he was the winner of the 2011 North Carolina Award, one of his works is on permanent display at the N.C. Museum of Art and the N.C. Arts Council has been instrumental in establishing the Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park in Wilson. We are honored to have been able to help support such an outstanding artist. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. For more on Simpson’s life and work, check out his biography from the 2011 North Carolina Awards on the blog of the N.C. Arts Council.