Topics Related to writers

Playwright, teacher, & humanitarian. Awarded Pulitzer Prize, 1927. His 16 outdoor dramas included The Lost Colony (1937). Lived 1 mile E.
Social activist; writer. Led the Baptist Woman's Missionary Union after 1892. A benefactor of present Meredith College. Lived in this house.
Slave poet. His The Hope of Liberty (1829) was first book by a black author in South. Lived on farm 2 mi. SE.
Joseph, Raleigh Register founder, 1799; his wife Winifred, early novelist; sons Joseph and Weston, editors, lived 2 blks. E.
Ambassador to Germany, 1933-37; professor and writer of U.S. history. He was born 2 mi. N.E.
Secretary of the Navy, 1913-21; ambassador to Mexico; author; editor, News and Observer. His home was here.
Leader in organization of Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845. Bishop, president of LaGrange College, Ala., & author. Born 1 mi. E.
Botanist, authority on North American flora, author, and Episcopal minister. Home was two blocks east.
Founder of Transylvania Colony (Ky.) & Nashville (Tenn.), author Cumberland Compact (1780), judge, member N.C. Council of State. Grave 1 mi. N.
Poet, author of "Fugitive Lines" and other works; lifelong educator; president of Peace Institute, 1907-12. Home stood here.