Topics Related to World War I

Congressman, 1901-23, Democratic majority leader, 1915-19. Opposed war declaration; later supported Wilson's war policies. Home is here.
U.S. Senator, 1901-1931. Chaired Senate Finance Committee during World War I. U.S. House, 1887-1889. Lived here.
"Graveyard of Atlantic." German submarines sank over 100 ships here, 1941-42, in the "Battle of Torpedo Junction." Shoals are 3 mi. south.
A German submarine sank the British tanker "Mirlo" off coast nearby, Aug. 16, 1918. Coast Guard, led by J. A. Midgett, saved most of the crew.
Secretary of the Navy, 1913-21; Ambassador to Mexico; editor; author. Birthplace stood here.

With the end of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources’ (DNCR) official WWI commemoration, we are transitioning our internationally-popular “North Caro

This is the second of a two-part blog post series entitled "North Carolinians and the Occupation of Europe," exploring the end of World War I and the U.S.

This is the first of a two-part blog post series entitled "North Carolinians

Arthur R.

War in World War I was not just war—it was unlike anything that had come before in terms of combat tactics, weaponry, communication technology, and modes of transportation.