Topics Related to Warren County

Toxic waste illegally dumped along N.C. roads was moved to landfill 2 mi. E., 1982. Protests sparked environmental justice movement in U.S.
Congressman, 1923-1952; jurist. Sponsored bills to create tobacco price supports and Kerr Lake. He lived 2 blocks east.
First African American to represent N.C. in U.S. Congress, 1875-77; state Senator & member, 1868 constitutional convention. He lived 1 block west.
President, N.C. Secession Convention, 1861-1862; Congressman, 1816-1827; legislator. His grave is three miles north.
One of three original justices of the N.C. Supreme Court, 1819-1832. Grave 1 block S.
A chief architect-builder in town's 1845-61 boom era; worked in Greek Revival & Italianate styles. Home stands 1 block east.
The birthplace of two Confederate major generals: Matt W. and Robert Ransom, brothers. House stood 1/4 mile W.
N.C. commissioner to buy ships and supplies in England during the Civil War. Gen. R. E. Lee visited in his home, 1870, standing 1 block E.
Governor, 1802-1805, United States Senator and state legislator. "Bloomsbury," his home, stood 2 miles north.
Member Continental Congress, United States Senator, 1789-1795, U.S. Indian Agent to the Creek Nation, 1796-1816. Home was 5 1/2 mi. S.W.