Topics Related to Virginia

Colonial trading route, dating from 17th century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to Catawba and Waxhaw Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.
Near here ran southern line of estate of Wm. Byrd, Virginia planter, author, and surveyor of Va.-N.C. boundary line, 1728.
20,000-acre estate of William Byrd, Virginia planter, author, surveyor of Va.-N.C. line, 1728. S.W. corner here.
State recognoized in 1911. Traditional homelands 1/2 mi. N. High Plains Indian settlement. Helped draw NC-VA dividing line, 1728.
Cartographer. Surveyed Granville District. In 1749 extended N.C.-Va. boundary line 90 miles west. Lived nearby.
Presbyterian minister; legislator; author of textbooks. Served many churches in Virginia & North Carolina. Home & school 1/4 mile West.
Colonial trading route, dating from 17th century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to Catawba and Waxhaw Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.
Colonial trading route, dating from 17th century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to the Catawba and Waxhaw Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.
Colonial trading route, dating from 17th century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to Catawba and Waxhaw Indians in Carolina passed nearby.
Colonial trading route, dating from 17th century, from Petersburg, Virginia, to Catawba and Waxhaw Indians in Carolina, passed nearby.