Topics Related to U.S. Congress

N.C. Chief Justice, 1878-1889; state legislator; U.S. & Confederate Congressman. Home was one blk. W.; grave 3/4 mi. E.
Congressman; Minister to Portugal; Governor of the Territory of New Mexico, 1857-1861; poet and essayist. Buried two blocks West.
United States Senator, 1950-53, speaker N.C. House of Representatives, president American Bar Assn. Home is 100 yds. W., grave is two miles S.E.
Congressman, 1901-1934, Chairman House Rules Committee during parts of administrations of Wilson, F. D. Roosevelt. Grave is 200 yds. south.
United States Senator, 1931-1946. A Baptist leader and editor of "The Biblical Recorder." Home was here.
Governor, 1941-45; U.S. Senator, 1948-49. Member, General Assembly, 1927, 1929. Home was two blocks west.
Congressman 1855-1861. President of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. Was a Brigadier General, C.S.A. His home was here.
Congressman, 1939-1961. A druggist, he shaped pharmaceutical legislation & chaired atomic energy committee. Lived 1 mi. S.
United States Senator, 1958-1973, and textile executive. Jordan Lake named for him, 1973. He lived 1 mile NE.
Born into slavery. U.S. Congressman, 1889-1893. Superintendent of Colored Orphanage of N.C., 1907-1935. Grave 8/10 mi. N.E.