Topics Related to U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Revenue Cutter built in N.C., 1791. Ship was commissioned in 1792 by Revenue Marine (now U.S. Coast Guard), 1/4 mi. W.
National Guard camp, 1906-1918; later site of U.S. Navy base, and first U.S. Coast Guard air station, 1920-1921.
Coastal Patrol Base, first in N.C., opened ½ mi. S.E., in 1942. Civilian pilots supported military and patrolled for German U-boats.
Only U.S. Lifesaving Station manned by black crew. Led by Richard Etheridge, 1880-1900. Operated near here.
Steamer ran aground on November 24, 1877, near here, killing 98. Tragedy led to improvements in U.S. Livesaving Service.
A German submarine sank the British tanker "Mirlo" off coast nearby, Aug. 16, 1918. Coast Guard, led by J. A. Midgett, saved most of the crew.