Topics Related to State Politics

Built 1782. Home of James Johnston, officer in Revolution, member Provincial Congress, legislature, convention of 1788. Is 2 mi. east.
Confederate captain; legislator; member of conventions of 1868, '75; conservative leader in Reconstruction period. His home was 100 ft. S.
Served 1843-1845 as the seat of McDowell County government. Home of Col. John Carson and his sons, Jonathan L., Samuel P., William, & Joseph McD. Now a historical museum.
Served 27 years as state senator; colonel in War of 1812; delegate to the Constitutional Convention 1835. Grave is 1/5 mi. N.
Legislator, 14 terms. Lt. Governor, 1893-1897. Headed Revenue & Highway Commissions. Was U.N.C. Trustee for 56 yrs. Office was 30 feet W.
Chief Justice of State Supreme Court, 1859-78. Conducted law school at Richmond Hill, his home, located 5 mi. NW.
Founded 1908 to promote sound civic management; Progressive era reform. First meeting held here attended by delegates from across the state.
Governor, 1917-21, first in state nominated by a Democratic primary. N.C. Attorney General, state legislator. Birthplace was 50 ft. north.
Textile manufacturer, State Senator, 1905-07. Friend of education. His home is 1 block W.
First president of N.C. Farmers' Alliance, 1887. Was N.C. senator & U.S. congressman. Advocate of agricultural education. Home is 1 block S.E.