Topics Related to Rockingham County

Industrial experiment nearby in 1892 led to discovery of process for its manufacture. First produced commercially by James T. Morehead.
Governor, 1954-1961; U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 1961-1965. A founder of Research Triangle Park. Home is 100 yards east.
Gen. Nathanael Greene maintained headquarters here, Feb. 28-Mar. 12, 1781, before meeting Cornwallis at Guilford Courthouse. Ford is 100 feet west.
Also called Rockingham Springs. Council of State met here, 1790. Owned by John Lenox, Archibald D. Murphey, & Thomas Ruffin. Famous health resort.
Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, 1890-1911; editor; author; education official in California. Born nearby.
Governor, 1885-1889, Confederate general, state legislator, and Congressman. Birthplace stood 3 1/2 mi. E.
A village of the Saura Indians, abandoned by that tribe in the early 18th century, was on Dan River, 2 1/2 mi. N.E.
Built in 1816. Rare example of dog-run building. Operated by Wrights and Reids. Birthplace and home of Congressman J. W. Reid.
Near here ran southern line of estate of Wm. Byrd, Virginia planter, author, and surveyor of Va.-N.C. boundary line, 1728.
Justice N.C. Supreme Court, served in N.C. House & Senate, Confederate captain, minister to Peru. Home is 2 mi. W.