Topics Related to Revolutionary War

Founder of Lumberton, captain in Revolution, later brigadier general; member of legislature, conventions of 1788, '89. Plantation was here.
Colonel in Revolution, member of provincial congresses and state senator. Robeson County is named for him. His home stood 1/2 mile N.E.
Lieut. colonel militia, member Provincial Congress, 1775, legislature, conventions 1788, 1789. This town named for him. Home was nearby.
On American tour, 1825, he visited Fayetteville (named for him, 1783) and stayed at home of Duncan McRae, on site of present courthouse.
Whigs broke Tory power in Bladen Co., August, 1781, driving them into Tory Hole, 50 yards N.
Marching to Wilmington after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, stopped with his army in this town in April, 1781.
Revolutionary War officer; first president of State Bank, 1811-19. In 1825 hosted Lafayette in house that stood here.
Important source of munitions during the American Revolution, operated occasionally since. Furnace was 100 yards southwest.
Cornwallis, following the battle of Guilford Courthouse, spent several days building a bridge over Deep River, at point 300 yards N.W.
David Fanning and his Tories captured many Whig leaders here at old Chatham Courthouse, July, 1781.