Topics Related to Revolutionary War

Cornwallis, pursuing Greene, crossed the Catawba, 7 mi. w., after sharp fight, Feb. 1, 1781.
Militia general. He led expedition against the Cherokee, 1776. Colonial & state official. Lived nearby on Grant's Creek.
Replaced Horatio Gates as leader of American army opposing Lord Cornwallis. He assumed command in Charlotte, Dec. 3, 1780.
Cornwallis's army captured Charlotte after a fight here with Davie's troops, Sept. 26, 1780.
First led his army into North Carolina near here, Sept. 1780. After Battle of Kings Mountain, Oct. 7, he returned to S.C.
Governor, 1805-07. Was a surgeon in Revolutionary War; later Congressman. Birthplace was 3 mi. N.
Stone dwelling, built ca. 1774, by Revolutionary leader, who helped draft state constitution, 1776. Stands 400 yards S.E.
Regulator leader & poet. He wrote satirical songs motivating opposition to abusive officials. Fought at Battle of Alamance, 1771. Lived nearby.
Regulator leader. Outlawed after Battle of Alamance, 1771. Nearby house was burned by Gov. Tryon's troops.
Early pastor for Scots in N.C.; chaplain for Loyalists at Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, 1776. First Presbyterian minister in Ontario. Lived 4 mi. S.