Topics Related to Raleigh

Built 1800-1801 by John Haywood, N.C. treasurer, 1787-1827. Operated now by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in State of N.C.
Commissioners of North Carolina's capital met officers of Sherman's army near this spot, on April 13, 1865, and surrendered the city.
Chartered 1887. Opened 1889 as a land grant college. Since 1931 campus of Consolidated University.
Built 1833-40. Ithiel Towne, A. J. Davis and David Paton, architects. First State House built here, 1796; burned, 1831.
Built prior to 1770 and often site of political meetings. Decision to locate Raleigh on Lane's land made there, 1792. Stands 2 blocks south.