Topics Related to Place of Worship

Episcopal. Oldest church building in the state of North Carolina; was constructed in 1734.
African American pastor. He founded in 1911 St. John, the first Church of God in Christ ministry in N.C. Grave 100 ft. W.
Oldest Baptist church in N.C. Organized by Sept. 5, 1729, by Paul Palmer. The present chapel was erected here in 1849.
Methodist since 1792. Begun as Anglican c. 1733. Visited by bishops Francis Asbury and Thomas Coke. Building erected 1837; remodeled 1882. 2 1/2 mi. E.
A.M.E. Zion. Organized about 1850 as mission to serve black Methodists. Since 1856 congregation has met 1 1/2 blocks N.
Built beginning in 1736 to serve first parish in N.C., est. by the 1701 Vestry Act. Succeeded two earlier buildings.