Topics Related to Place of Worship

Methodist. Maintained by Holston Conference for Cherokee c. 1840-1885. School established 1850. Missionary's house stands 50 yards north.
For Cherokee Indians, established in 1817, consisting of a chapel, school, farm, and mills. Was 3 1/2 miles north.
Founded 1868. Oldest Universalist church in western N.C. Hannah J. Powell led mission work and school, 1921-42, at site 100 yards south.
Methodist. Congregation was organized at a camp meeting ca. 1810, on land donated by James Johnson. Church, 1905, is .3 mi. N.
Episcopal Church, built 1833-34 as a private chapel. Given to Diocese of North Carolina, 1836. Enlarged in 1852.
Organized before 1792. Present building is here. First building stood 1 mile south.
Organized by German Lutherans about 1825; Methodist since 1866. Is 2 1/2 miles south.
Congregation organized by 1791. Cemetery and present building, the church's fourth, are one mile west.
Evangelical Lutheran. Organized in 1774. J. G. Arndt was first regular minister; Philip Henkel assistant. This building, 1888, is third on site.
Lutheran. Organized prior to 1798. J. G. Arends was first pastor. Building, the fourth on site, is 1/4 mile east.