Topics Related to Onslow County

Federal gunboat Ellis attacked this town Nov. 23, 1862, then ran aground downstream. It was abandoned under Confederate crossfire.
Bishop Francis Asbury stopped there many times between 1799 and 1815 on visits to New River Chapel. House was 3/4 mi. W.
Site of three successive Protestant congregations: Anglican until about 1758; Baptist until 1877; and Disciples of Christ since.
Governor, 1836-41, the first in N.C. elected by popular vote, first president of Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Birthplace was 2 mi. W.
The road from New England to Charleston, over which mail was first carried regularly in North Carolina, 1738-39, passed near this spot.
Privateersman, War of 1812, shipbuilder. As a State Senator he fought for the constitutional convention of 1835. His home was 3 miles south.
President Washington spent the night Apr. 23, 1791 at Sage's Inn, which stood 200 yds. E.