Topics Related to Museums

At the NCMA learning happens in the galleries, Museum Park, online, and in classrooms across our state. I’m passionate about what I do because I’ve seen the impact. Museum objects serve as catalysts to spark curiosity, learning, and discussion.

Building housed first the Pleasant Retreat Academy, chartered 1813. Later public library, museum. 1 block east.
Now historical museum, was temporary home of Gov. Zebulon B. Vance after Sherman's capture of Raleigh, April 1865. Is 350 yards southwest.
Operated as Branch U.S. Mint, 1837-61. Relocated to present site as art museum, 1936. Building expanded, 1968 and 1985.
Home of Michael Braun. Built 1766; restored 1966 by Rowan Museum, Inc. Family burial ground 100 yards South.
Restored one-room log school of 1840's. Now located at the Knox Junior High School, 1/4 mile east.
A good example of the larger homes built about 1820. Now used by the Rowan Museum. Located 1/2 block south.
Eighteenth-century house built by Patrick Boggan, Revolutionary soldier & a founder of Wadesboro. Now historical museum. Located 2 blocks south.
Est. 1948 here as first local historic district in N.C. Prototype for state’s local historic preservation laws.
Built 1786 by John Haley, blacksmith & sheriff, on the Petersburg-Salisbury Road. Later a tavern; now preserved as a museum.