Topics Related to Mining

Gold discovery in 1825 by Mathias Barringer launched the state's subsurface gold mining industry. Site 2 mi. W.
Gold discovered here by 1824. Extensive mining begun 1843, creating a boom town. Copper mined in district until 1907.
Gold discovered there 1799. Many gold mines were later operated in this area. N.C. was the chief gold-mining state to 1849. N. 4 mi.
Member of Congress & State Senator. Planter and promoter of mining & manufacturing. Home here, grave 4/5 mi. west.
State’s worst mining accident occurred on May 27, 1925, when explosions killed 53 men. Shaft 1 1/2 mi. SW.
Operated at intervals, 1856-1929. Aided the Confederate war effort. Site of explosions, 1895 & 1900. Shaft 2 mi. N.
Tungsten ore, widely used in home & industry, was mined nearby, 1942-1971. At peak it was the largest producing mine in U.S.
Ore discovered at farm of John Portis in 1831. Mine operated for about a century. Area mines yielded sizable volume of gold before Civil War.