Topics Related to Medicine

1st known black physician with an M.D. degree in N.C. Practiced 1878-89. Home and office stood one block north.
Organizer & Sec.-Treas. of State Board of Health, 1877-1892. Founded N.C. Medical Journal in 1878. Home was 1 block west.
A founder of State Medical Society, 1849, head of Confederate Hospital at Wilson, 1st president State Board of Health, 1879. Home stood here.
Physician and orator. Secretary of State of N.C., 1897-1901. Farmers' Alliance and Populist leader. Grave 4 mi. W.
Born in Tyrrell County, 1828, Surgeon General of N.C., 1862-65, Professor of Surgery in Maryland, Chief Surgeon of Egypt, Died in Paris.
Native of Washington, Zurich graduate, head of a Boston hospital, 1st woman member N.C. Medical Society, 1872. Her girlhood home was here.
Head of U.S. Yellow Fever Commission in Cuba, 1900-01. Lived here as a young man. House 200 feet south.
Head of U.S. Yellow Fever Commission in Cuba, 1900-01. Lived here as a young man and married Emily Lawrence of this town.