Topics Related to Lincoln County

Location: NC 73 west of Lake Norman
County: Lincoln
Original Date Cast: 1964

Pioneer orthopedic surgeon; founded hospitals for crippled children; chief surgeon of Warm Springs (Ga.) Foundation. Birthplace 80 yds. east.
Evangelical Lutheran. Organized in 1774. J. G. Arndt was first regular minister; Philip Henkel assistant. This building, 1888, is third on site.
Chief justice 1 year & assoc. justice 20 yrs., N.C. Supreme Court. Superior court judge 13 yrs. Birthplace stood here.
Pioneer manufacturer of iron; Revolutionary War officer; Congressman, 1813-1815. Mt. Welcome, his home, was 3/4 mi. S.
Minister, 1786-1812, of German Reformed Church in the Carolinas. Home built in 1793. Located one-half mile south.
Presbyterian, 1801. Graves include those of Alexander Brevard, Joseph & James Graham, and Robert Hall & Joseph Graham Morrison.
Fashionable "watering place," a recreational and social center prior to 1861. The hotel stood five miles northeast.
Native German, pioneer teacher and minister, ordained 1775, first president of the N.C. Lutheran Synod, 1803. Grave a few yds. east.
Thomas J. Jackson, later a Confederate general, married Anna Morrison, July 16, 1857, in her home which stood 200 yds. E.